Site Speed
How long does your site take to load for the first time in the morning?
How long does it take to reload that page, again, right away?
How long do other pages take to load once the site is awake, again?

Speed Tests
In your Browser
I highly recommend that you start with this tool.
Page Load Times
This is a Google Chome Extension that you install directly to yout Broswer.

Once this is installed it appears in the top right of Chrome.
A Speed Test
If I go to this page on my website.
I get the following loading times.
- Total load time 2.87
- No Redirects (Good)
- DNS, 4 milliseconds, determined by your ISP
- Connections 59 milliseconds, my server.
- Analyzing the request and getting the page ready, 2.3 seconds, time to the first byte at the browser
- Sending the page 377 milliseconds.
This is a bit oversimplified, but it gets the idea across. - DOM Document Object Model, 127 milliseconds, things like images, extra fonts, Java, ajax and ccs.

Images & Video
Make sure all images are optimized for your website.
I you have a large image that you do want to display make sure it has been compressed to not slow your site down.
Do not host your videos on your website, host them on YouTube and link back to your website.

Keep your webnsite to a minimum of fonts.

Do have a caching plugin running.
This will seek to make your website as small and as fast as possible.

Other Content
Are you fetching things from other 3rd party locations? YouTube, Google, Stats, iFrames, Facebook and other social media.
You may want to look at what you really want.
What to do?
This page will be expanded as we look more into the issue of spending up a WordPress website.
Try this site.
If you want to do a more in-depth review, try this plugin.